On-Site Visits & Services by Mail
Scheduling an On-Site Visit
The Research Center is open from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday, hours subject to change.
Please call for an appointment so that we may discuss your needs and schedule time. Phone: 254-750-8631; M-F between 9 am to 3 pm.
To Make an Appointment
Please call 254-750-8631 between 9 am and 3 pm Monday - Friday CST. Or e-mail us at
Drop-ins: We will make every effort to accommodate drop-in researchers, but priority is given to those with appointments.
Personal use and Non-profit Fees: Nominal Charges apply for photocopies and photo duplication.
Commercial Use: Commercial (for profit) use is subject to fees in support of the Armstrong Center. Contact us for further information about fees and permissible commercial use.

The Center is closed Saturdays, Sundays and most major Federal holidays. Please contact us a minimum of two weeks in advance if you are unable to visit the Research Center during normal operating hours. We may be able to arrange staff schedules to allow a visit outside of the normal operating hours.
How to Request Services by Mail
(Please read below before sending the form.)
RESEARCH REQUEST FORM - US Mail Only; $35 Fee per Individual Name
Armstrong Center Research Form - Click to Download
The Texas Ranger Research Center offers a low-cost research service for those unable to visit Waco. It is intended for non-commercial, personal use.
Requests for research about individual Texas Rangers must be submitted by mail, using the Research Request Form below, or by written letter for those whose unable to print out the form. We are not able to provide this service via email or telephone; the research process will commence only upon receipt of the Research Request Form or letter, accompanied by a check or money order for $35 in payment of the research request fee.
Research for general Ranger-related topics other than searches for information about individuals can be initiated via telephone or email. More detailed research for writers and students who are producing books, feature articles, film projects, and academic papers usually involves in-depth examination of resources at the Armstrong Center. Please call 254-750-8631, or email We will be glad to discuss your project and schedule a research appointment.
RESEARCH FEE - $35.00 per Name
The Tobin & Anne Armstrong Texas Ranger Research Center is a nonprofit library and archives. It is supported by donations, grants and partial funding from the City of Waco. The Center receives no State or Federal funding.
To defray expenses, there is a non-refundable fee of $35.00 per name for research requests for information about individual Rangers.
Donations in excess of the fee qualify as charitable contributions and are gratefully accepted.
While we make every effort to respond as promptly as possible, our staff is very small; due to occasional backlogs of requests, as well as other staff duties, please allow up to 6-8 weeks for reply.
A search of available sources may require several hours -- we conduct in-depth research in company rosters, enlistment warrants, photos, published sources, indexes, etc. We recognize the personal significance of Texas Ranger service to many families, so we thoroughly examine every available resource.
Keep in mind that the records are not complete. There has never been a list of every person who has ever been a Texas Ranger, and for many of those whose service can be verified there might not be detailed surviving records. Over the centuries, fires, floods, and simple disposal of out-of-date papers by some government agencies have destroyed much of the documentation. Most of our files do not include photographs or other likenesses. We can make no guarantee that we will be able to find any records for the names that are submitted, but we do promise that we will research the materials available to us as diligently as possible.
RESEARCH REQUEST FORM - US Mail Only; $35 Fee per Individual Name
Armstrong Center Research Form - Click to Download
Please fill out the form and mail it, with the $35.00 per name research fee enclosed, to:
Texas Ranger Hall of Fame
Armstrong Texas Ranger Research Center
P.O. Box 2570
Waco, TX 76702-2570